Thursday, March 17, 2011

Locks of Love

Hair, I have a lot of it! I know that sounds weird, but this mane grows fast and is nice and thick. I have enjoyed having longer hair for a few years now. I love how pretty it looks down and straight and the messy look when I let the natural wave go crazy. But it has gotten long enough that it bothers me during the night and is difficult to work with. So it was time for the inevitable, and serious hair cut. I made an appointment with Rachel a gal that came recommended from a friend. Rachel had a fun spirit and was rocking the whole pinup girl style that only a few can pull off. She was as excited about this as I was nervous. So glad to have a friend along for the adventure, my brave friend Tisa came along to capture the to moment in pictures. When it was all said and done we cut two 17.5" braids off that will be donated to Locks of Love. Pin It

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