Dear Gym,
Oh, how our 0615 meet ups are working for me! LOVE IT!
Dear Tisa,
Can't wait to hit the farmers market and craft with you on Saturday.
Dear ACL,
I am dreading your weekend. I think I'll stay close to home and avoid all of those people.
Dear Mom,
Can't wait for you to get here next week! Looking forward to our road trip!
Dear Employee Who Can Not Yet Be Named,
Where are you? I need to find you!
Dear Hubs,
I miss you! I feel like we are both so busy we never see each other{even though we see each other everyday}.
Dear Mall,
I survived you! I made it solo through my bi-annual outing and feel good about not seeing you again until late Spring.
Dear Virtual Assistant,
I see the beginning of a beautiful relationship.
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