Saturday, February 11, 2012

Insta - Saturday

I Had so much fun participating in the January Photo A Day Challenge with Fat Mum Slim that I can't tell you how excited I was when she made up another one for February. At this rate of fun I might actually complete a 366 project this year! Here are my first 10 day.

The month ahead...

 Day #1 My view today

 Day #2 Words

Day #3 Hands

Day #4 A Stranger

Day #5 Dinner

 Day #6 10:00 am

 Day #7 Buttons

 Day #8 Sun

 Day #9 My Front Door

#10 Self Portrait
Post a link to your Instagram photo challenge posts in the comment section so I check them out. Follow me on Instagram @lderrick
life rearranged

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  1. Yum! Whatever you had for dinner on Day 5 looks great! What was it?

  2. I am so glad you are still able to follow along...I wish I had better motivation to keep it going...maybe after a week or two off I will feel I want to get back into it! lol


I love comments almost as much as I love Starbucks and cupcakes - I can't wait to get to know you better.