Monday, February 13, 2012

Manic Monday: Pantry Redo

This weekend was full of productivity. I can't believe that I am getting to write that! I have to admit that Mother Nature played a big role in this. See, I'm not a cold person. I don't like being cold, and when its cold outside you will find me inside. So Sundays high of 50 kept me home most of the day and good things happened. Sundays 28 when I woke up, almost kept me in bed {hubs lured me out with hot tea}.

Here is my list from last week...

#1 Organize/clean out my closet and dresser {this is huge}

#2 Organize/clean out the cabinets in my bathroom

#3 Make a few rearranging/organizing adjustments to my sewing room

#4 Do something with our pantry: organize, label, something {trip to the container store!} It looks amazing and I can't believe I didn't take before pictures!! Hubs commented on it right away:)

#5 Mark all of the visible spots with the peeling paint {this made hubs so happy}

#6 Check that all of the electrical outlets in the house work {this made hubs so happy too}

#7 Pot my new plant {this one is all fun} Hubs helped me do this when I got home from work Thursday night.

#8 Sew the 6 orders I got this past week

I also managed to clean all of the floors in the entire house and do 4 loads of laundry. Guess I just needed a nice cold weekend to keep in going.

Pantry Redo up next...

First thing I did was head to Pinterest and look for ideas, of course. Here are a few of my favorites...

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I made a nice list of everything I was going to need for my weekend full of organizing. Trips to Hobby Lobby, Walmart and The container Store were in order.

I spent $100 at The Container Store, $10 at Hobby Lobby {yay, 40% off coupon} and about $30 at Wal-art. So a grand total of $140 for weekend redos. Not to bad.

I hate admit it, but I was so excited about the redo on the pantry that I forgot to take a before pic:( You can imagine how bad it was though.

Hubs really liked it and commented on it first thing! I went slowly to make sure he was good with all the new containers since he is the cook of the house. He asked if he could have a few more for cereal and coffee! YAY!

Some Good Times

Ninth Street Notions

Sew Chatty
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  1. I love what you did to re-prganize your pantry! Especially with the cans. I need some racks like that, because our canned goods take up way too much space!

    Happy Monday :)

  2. LOVE IT! i actually tried to view this post late last night, but blogger wouldn't let me for some reason... i couldn't wait to see your end result, as i'm in the middle of a pantry re-do myself. aren't you loving those clear containers?!?! i'm trying to think of what else i can start to organize with clear containers! :)

  3. Where did you get the racks holding your cans? I totally need some of those! My pantry is a disaster!!!
    PS- Thanks so much for linking up!

  4. Isn't it nice to have the space organized. It is the one place that try as hard as I might, it still is messy -- its almost a constant cleaning to keep it neat and orderly looking! (Of course, DH brining home "things" to put in there when I'm all organized doesn't help -- LOL!

    Good for you on all your accomplishments!

  5. Makes ya' feel kinda good when you get all those things organized! Great job and it really looks pretty.


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