Wednesday, January 18, 2012

1LW #3

This past week has been a true challenge in keeping up with...well the challenge. We did some traveling out of town, which means new towns, new people and lots of thing out of my usual comfort zone. Boy did I ever get to put this into practice this week.

Challenge #1  Our travels started off with flight attendants that were extremely inpatient and rude. Must have been all the positive energy that I had from reading everyone else's posts that morning because I told hubs to calm down and let it go {that's me trying to be positive}

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I managed to read an entire book on the flight, and it was one that I needed to read. My So called life as a Proverbs 31 Wife. Great inspiration though another women's struggle to be what she thinks we are called to as Christian women.

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We had a great week of vacation and met tons of wonderful people in Seattle, hubs even commented on how nice everyone was. I have to agree, everyone was wonderful and friendly, it's a beautiful city and I totally recommend it as a vacation spot.

Challenge #2  It was COLD in Seattle! I'm a fair weather person all the time. This is why I have lived my entire life in either Texas or California...I like it warm. I wasn't as prepared as I should have been, but no worries a new hat and glove set later I am ready. After almost the entire trip sporting my TOMS, which I wear with no socks of course. Hubs made my day and bought me my first pair of UGGs, now I have toasty toes too!

Traveling across time zones can really mess with a persons sleep pattern, this time it worked to my advantage {that's me trying to be positive again}.  Since I'm an early morning girl normally for work, I was waking up at 4:30 Seattle time... in the morning...on vacation! While Hubs is sound asleep I got to take advantage of this awesome personal quite time and pray. I prayed for my family, for friends (new and old), for knowledge, strength and most importantly God's will and not my own. Wow, let me tell you how great it makes a personal feel to spend the morning praying! Try it, you will be amazed at how the rest of your day goes and how amazing you feel just being.

Now yesterday was another story...

Challenge #3 Trip home...maybe that should be all I right. Here it is, rude flight attendants, long flights, rude food service reps. I think that's all I need to say in order to continue being positive.

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Now I have to say I am a little proud of myself, today I typed an entire facebook post and then deleted it because it wasn't positive. I can't tell you how encouraging it is to me to read fellow bloggers posts about their challenges with their One Little Word.

Read other posts @ It's A long Story

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1 comment:

I love comments almost as much as I love Starbucks and cupcakes - I can't wait to get to know you better.